24Jan24: Four Runners

Netflix (NFLX) released their ER last night and the results were quite good. They added 13 million new accounts, bringing their total subscribers to a whopping 260 million. In the world of advertising and market share, that is A LOT of engaged viewers. ($215B cap)

Plug Power (PLUG) announced that they are producing 15 tons of liquid electrolytic hydrogen daily at their Georgia plant and they are nearing a $1.6B loan from the US Energy Department. This is a game changer for having regular green energy that can be stored and deployed as needed for all types of hydrogen power battery vehicles and fuel cell stack storage. ($2.3B cap)

Altimmune (ALT) at the end of November successfully completed their phase two results for their weight loss drug candidate Pemvidutide. On top of the GLT-1 appetite suppression mechanism, the other agonist is glucagon which helps burn fat instead of carbohydrates, reduces lipids in the liver and lowers blood pressure. They are in active discussions with big pharma for a partnership or buyout to take them to phase 3 and drug rollout. ($538M cap)

Roku (ROKU) continues to crush it as the premier platform for television streaming. They are multi-sided as they have their growing Roku customer base; they help streaming apps (like Netflix) to gain further engagement; they monetize their home page Roku City as a dynamic billboard; they own their own Roku Channel and they have their own branded televisions now. ($13B cap)

“To sail successfully, you need to observe with great care. You need to identify what the wind and the water are telling you and then find a way to execute, to reach whatever goal you’ve set, be that simply making it home or winning a race.” –Diane Greene