Reading through the earnings transcript for Alphabet (GOOG) from yesterday was mind bending when considering all the programs they currently employ to new ones coming on-line soon, like virtual “indoor” maps for places like train stations and airports. They are delivering an analog digital world and empowering many businesses, both small and large, via marketing options through YouTube, Google Maps and their targeted search engine. It’s remarkable. They also brought in an astounding $55.3B in revenue last quarter; an increase of 34% year-over-year. It feels like Standard Oil will be seen as small potatoes compared to the worldwide reach (and dependence) Alphabet enjoys with the entire world. The question is will there be antitrust activity to break up this behemoth? At this point it feels like a critical service and there just aren’t any other providers that could even begin to compete; they will soon be seen as part of the “natural order” in the blurred lines between reality and digital representation.
“And I have no religion. And I don’t know what’s what. And I don’t know the limit. The limit of what we’ve got.” –Zooropa, U2