29Nov21: Moderna vs. Omicron

Once more we are up against another COVID variant with Omicron and this time it looks like a real doozy given that countries are already restricting travel. As a result, Wall Street got sucker punched on Friday during shortened hours… but not for COVID vaccine makers, including Moderna (which jumped over 20%). Moderna (MRNA) has proven itself to be both powerful and nimble, and they are already working on a vaccine for this brand new variant. While the stock market looks unpredictable as we come to process and understand Omicron, Moderna seems to be a safe bet as a proven leader in the field to fight back against the variant onslaught. And whales must be feeling the same way as over 100 institutions bought in big lots on Friday as seen on fintel’s website:


“The trend is your friend.” –Martin Zweig