9June21: Ten Year 10X Plan

The volatility of the market has been staggering lately and (knock on wood) it seems we are pulling out of the correction. Watching 50% drops in May for no reason hurt… a lot. But the future continues to beckon with ad tech and bio tech on the cusp of major breakouts. Presenting 11 companies all… Continue reading 9June21: Ten Year 10X Plan

27May21: Dogecoin vs. Reality

Hurry hurry hurry! I got your GMEs! I got your Dogecoins! I got your NFTs! And maybe even some 1989 Topps and Fleer in my bag. Step right up folks, don’t be shy! Americans are trying their hand at financial carnival games by throwing money at “investments” not based on any kind of tangible worth other… Continue reading 27May21: Dogecoin vs. Reality

15May21: Market Mayhem

The recent sell offs in the tech sector have simply been stunning (Trade Desk dropping 25% in one day!) and even companies like Brightcove with stellar earnings reports were pulled down along with the tide. Looking out over the mud flats at the Bay of no Fundy you’ll find lots of treasures with low market… Continue reading 15May21: Market Mayhem

7May21: The Gift

There will come a time when investors will look back upon May 7th, 2021 as the day they could have bought Trade Desk (TTD) at a $29.1B cap, Digital Turbine (APPS) at a $5.5B cap, Magnite (MGNI) at a $4.1B cap and Brightcove (BCOV) at a $567M cap. (witness your future 10-baggers) “But doth suffer… Continue reading 7May21: The Gift

30Apr21: Four Nearing Breakout

The major story these days is Big Tech (Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Alphabet) crushing it during the pandemic and while their market caps are swelling to supernova size, there are some overlooked stars on the verge of exploding.   Brightcove (BCOV): Had a fabulous earnings report, but got beat up yesterday due to weaker guidance. Digital… Continue reading 30Apr21: Four Nearing Breakout

28Apr21: Alphabet’s Revenue Machine

Reading through the earnings transcript for Alphabet (GOOG) from yesterday was mind bending when considering all the programs they currently employ to new ones coming on-line soon, like virtual “indoor” maps for places like train stations and airports. They are delivering an analog digital world and empowering many businesses, both small and large, via marketing… Continue reading 28Apr21: Alphabet’s Revenue Machine

22Apr21: Magnite: Train is Leaving

Magnite (MGNI) solved the riddle of how to challenge the whales (Google, Facebook, Amazon) by operating as an independent representative with their supply side platform for digital publishers outside of the three major walled gardens. They did it. They are matching Trade Desk’s (TTD) demand side platform by sitting on the opposite end of the… Continue reading 22Apr21: Magnite: Train is Leaving

20Apr21: Goofy Valuations

The tech sector is getting bombarded with talks worldwide of enforcing new regulations and there’s potential for trust busting the biggies: Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple. The fear-based low tide is pulling all the boats down and some market caps for emerging programmatic advertising upstarts are at ridiculously cheap prices. Another great time to load… Continue reading 20Apr21: Goofy Valuations

16Apr21: Control the Flow

There is a saying in business that you want to control the money flow, as it gives you the best leverage to become an essential partner. In the digital world, the currency is premium ad slots (including CTV) and those rivers will be increasingly channeled by The Trade Desk (TTD) on the buy side and… Continue reading 16Apr21: Control the Flow